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Our Class Offerings

We offer Preschool Classes to  3, 4 and 5 year olds and Preschool Prep Classes for 2 year olds.

Three Year Olds are eligible for our Tuesday/Thursday Morning Class which meets from 8:45-11:45 or the T/Th PM Class that meets from 12:15-3:15.  There are 15-20 students in each class.
Four and Five Year Olds are eligible for our our MWF Morning and T/TH or MWF Afternoon Classes.  They meet from 8:45-11:45 and 12:15-3:15.  
 There are 15-20 students in each class.
                   We will also offer a  Preschool Prep Class for 2 year olds.  It will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 -4:30  p.m.

The rates for the T/TH morning and afternoon classes and the MWF classes are based on a daily rate of $42.00 a day, the daily rate for the Preschool Prep Class is $34.50.   The 2023-24  School Year will have 100 school days for the MWF classes and 68 school days for the T/TH and Preschool Prep classes.

*There are 2 payment options for paying your child’s tuition.

1.  You can pay for the entire school year in advance.  The total due for the MWF morning or afternoon classes is $4299, $2850 for the T/TH, and $2350  for the Preschool Prep Class.
  If you choose to pay your tuition up front, we will give you a 10% discount if it is paid at the time of registration.

2.  You can pay the same amount each month.  This rate is determined by dividing the tuition by the 10 months of the school year.  Some months have more school days and some have less but the rate stays the same.  The averaged monthly rate is:  $420 for the MWF classes, $285 for the T/TH Classes, and $235 for the Preschool Prep Class.   Monthly tuition payments are due on the first day of each month.

A non-refundable registration fee of $100 is due at the time of registration.  It is a one-time fee so if your child remains at the Preschool for a second year, you do not have to pay it again.